Category: Intuitive Living


For those of us who have travelled the self-healing journey for a while, we will often be asked to define, recognize and create a healthy

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Feng shui Serenity Blog People Pleasing Let Go

Let Go Of People Pleasing

You have a beautiful weekend away planned. On Friday afternoon, your sister called, she launched straight into her drama of ‘breaking up with her boyfriend’

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To My Shadow Self

Dear Shadow Self For years, I have been avoiding you, pretending so hard not to see you, keeping you under wraps, disowning you. As if

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For those of us who have travelled the self-healing journey for a while, we will often be asked to define, recognize and create a healthy

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Feng shui Serenity Blog People Pleasing Let Go

Let Go Of People Pleasing

You have a beautiful weekend away planned. On Friday afternoon, your sister called, she launched straight into her drama of ‘breaking up with her boyfriend’

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To My Shadow Self

Dear Shadow Self For years, I have been avoiding you, pretending so hard not to see you, keeping you under wraps, disowning you. As if

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