Your Soul Speaks

Feng Shui Serenity Meditation Guide

This is the photo I took at Sydney time 5.36am this morning (Saturday 28th July) when the full moon lunar eclipse was happening.


The darkness of the sky
The brightness of the star
This is the path opener, the portal.
It is time to release and
awaken the things that are sleeping
in order to see and understand
what lives deep within us

Tune into the inner temple of your heart
Stay grounded
But dive deep
Hold onto Mother Earth
You are supported this month by the double Earth energy
Surrender to the sweet water within

It is only through the process of remembering who you are
you will remember What you are here to do…

So this is the gift I want to give it to you this month during this Karmic cosmic event, to know where, within your home that you can drench yourself into the stillness and listen to your soul speaks.

Meditation is a process of purification.
It strips off all the distractions from the external world and able to stay connected with the essence of you – the purest, highest self of yours. It is the process of connecting with soul.

You are not the relationship you are in,
you are not the actions you are taking in the world.

You are a divine essence,
a soul on Earth experiencing yourself through all those aspects.

You are your soul.
It’s time to reclaiming, renowning,
re-familiarize with yourself
this is who you are.

S.O.U.L    S.T.I.L.L.N.E.S.S



CLICK HERE or the IMAGE to download this FREE GUIDE to connect with souls.

Your soul speaks to you in so many ways. All you have to do is listen.

With light and illumination,
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