Live a divinely-guided life.
Move with the energy
of deep knowing.

Work With Me

You are a multidimensional light-filled soul, with unique gifts, talents and superpowers.

Coming down to Earth is a process of remembrance of those gifts, a reclamation of power and renewal.

Your Highest Self is not a version of you that is better than you, but a version that is fully expressed and integrated with each iteration of you along the way.

It is through each of these dimensional layers of your existence, that you become magnetic, true and luminous.
Be available for this process, dear ones!

Feng Shui


Feng Shui Alignment reveals the energetic map of your home and the ‘root cause’ for anything that is blocking you from living a life you truly desire, may it be health, money, business, career, relationship or just a feeling that something is not right.

It is a simple yet profound process and ultimately brings the ‘Yin & Yang’ of your home into balance so you can step into Power, Wealth and Abundance through aligning & activating the Feng Shui of your home.

If the Feng Shui you have been doing feels flat and creates no ripple, this is for you.

Destiny chart


Trasmission + Energy Attunement + 1:1 Mentorship.

I help soul-led entrepreneurs, intuitives, healers and creatrix who want to go deeper into their life’s work by embodying their true Essence and Energetics, so they can fearlessly step up to another level of abundance and wealth.

This is a powerful healing container where abundance meets you.

No more second guessing.
But move with certainty and precision.
Where You remember who you are.

Let the magic begin!

Online Courses + Masterclasses

A collection of Grace’s signature online courses + masterclasses in Wealth Creation, Feng Shui and Destiny Charts to support your ascension in your own rhythm.

Annual Energy


Personalised month by month channeled guidance

Timing in our destiny holds a special place. Do you know how to be in the right place at the right time?

Is it a good time to make the biggest purchase in your life?
What season is most potent for you to bring out that creative gift to the world?

When you learn to move and dance with the energy, life offers you the most opulent gift and abundant harvest.

This beautifully channeled guidance is based on your unique Four Pillars of Destiny Chart and includes two key components to help you navigate the annual energy.

As seen on
ABC News Breakfast
IFSA Accredited Feng Shui Master
IFSA Australia

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Four Pillars of Destiny
Order your FREE personalised

Four pillars of destiny chart

to receive your unique spiritual lesson from each of the Five Elements!
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