Online Courses

+ Masterclasses

A collection of Grace’s signature online courses + masterclasses in Wealth Creation, Feng Shui and Destiny Charts to support your ascension in your own rhythm.

Online Course – Creating abundance from your inherent destiny chart

This is the first course that teaches you how to create Wealth & Abundance through decoding your Destiny chart and the Five Elements.

Part Destiny-chart teaching and decoding, part soul-attunement, healing and activation, this powerful course takes you on a magical journey to discover your ‘inner Alchemist’ through the connection between your physical self and your soul’s evolution.

Online Course plus 4-week live mastermind group experience

This is the extension of my signature online course Feng Shui for Buyers & Renter

For every module delivered in the course portal, there is a LIVE deepening session for the group to come together. 

As a group, we practice and review on real house examples (your home!) and floor plans, not just theories you can learn in the book. 

We focus on creative solutions, energy attunement beyond normal Feng Shui principles. Past students have found the LIVE session are ‘super powerful’, ‘inspiring’ and ‘is a gift’. 

New to feng shui? Receive a 10-day fouNdation course

If you are new to Feng Shui and would like to deepen your understanding in this ancient practice, this is the course for you!

You will be exploring various concepts and Feng Shui principles, such as Cosmic Trinity, the importance of your front entrance, wealth flow activation and how to connect with the infinite source of the Heaven, Earth energy flow to access your own inner-wisdom. You will never see Feng Shui in the same way again at the end of this course.

Masterclass – Transition into PERIOD 9 with confidence and ease

Transition into this new era with more power, prosperity, health and abundance for the next 20 years.

This monumental change of energy will have a huge impact on how we live, work and perceive the world around us.

This Masterclass will reveal all you need to know in order to prepare for this incredible and auspicious time, so you can move with the energy with confidence and ease.

Masterclass –🔥Dragonfire🔥 2024 Feng Shui Alignment

2024 the Year of the Dragon is a ‘Power-filled’ year and it is unprecedented with ‘heightened Yang energy’.

The energy is potent, strong and fierce, but can also be unpredictable. 

This Masterclass will teach you how to align with the 2024 🔥’Dragonfire’ 🔥within every corner of your home so you are deeply rooted & protected.

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Four Pillars of Destiny
Order your FREE personalised

Four pillars of destiny chart

to receive your unique spiritual lesson from each of the Five Elements!
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