Are you living the Destiny you are supposed to be living?

Destiny Feng Shui Serenity

Yesterday I had a Destiny Profiling session with a beautiful lady who is on her thirties. She has just been through her toughest 5-year luck pillar and has just felt the energy shift. She said she has also just discovered she is ‘a bit spiritual’. With one look of her chart, I said to her, “of course you are spiritual, you are an Yin Fire. Your awakening journey has just started.”

Everything I told her in the session is not something that her soul doesn’t have already known. I’m simply a conduit, a messenger, a guide to reassure that she is on the exactly the path she is suppose to be on. She IS living her destiny.

As she floated away after the session, I started to think the question she asked during the session, “Do all people awake at some point so they can live their destiny?”

Your Destiny Chart will show you the FULL potential of your Destiny.
You still have to make it happen. 

I have seen absolutely beautiful charts that contain special configurations, noblemen as well as certain Symbolic stars etc., who are suppose to be living a ‘good life’. Yet, when the opportunities come or time to take action, they dwindle.

The biggest tragedy I see in charts is not people who are doing it tough but those who are not living the full potential of their destiny.

Just like there are multiple timelines in the Universe, there are multiple paths that are linked with your destiny. Choose which path is completely in your own hands. They lie within each small yet inadvertently significant decisions that you make everyday.

Are you living your Destiny?
Are you making decisions that leads you to your fullest potential?

The people with most amazing achievements does not have the most amazing chart, just in case you are wondering. What they have done is making the most of what they’ve got.

There are many people who were born on the 29th January 1954, yet, there is only one Oprah.

It is my sincerest wish that you are having the time of life, you are reaching the full potential of your destiny.
With light and illumination,
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